index.html.j2 4.9 KB

  1. #!ipxe
  2. #### {{ boot_domain }} initial loader ####
  3. #### see https://netboot.xyz for more information ####
  4. {% if bootloader_https_enabled | bool %}
  5. set conn_type https
  6. chain --autofree https://{{ boot_domain }}/menu.ipxe || echo HTTPS failed... attempting HTTP...
  7. {% endif %}
  8. {% if bootloader_http_enabled | bool %}
  9. set conn_type http
  10. chain --autofree http://{{ boot_domain }}/menu.ipxe || echo HTTP failed, localbooting...
  11. {% endif %}
  12. exit
  13. <!DOCTYPE html>
  14. <html lang="en">
  15. <head>
  16. <title>{{ site_name }} BootLoaders - Powered by netboot.xyz</title>
  17. <meta name='description' content='Download links for available {{ site_name }} bootloaders.'>
  18. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
  19. <style>
  20. table, th, td {
  21. padding: 5px;
  22. border: 1px solid black;
  23. }
  24. </style>
  25. </head>
  26. <body>
  27. <div style="font-family: monospace, fixed; font-weight: bold;">
  28. {% if index_title.stdout is defined %}
  29. {{ index_title.stdout }}
  30. {% else %}
  31. <h1>{{ site_name }}</h1>
  32. {% endif %}
  33. <p>
  34. Version: {{ boot_version }}<br>
  35. Powered by <a href=https://netboot.xyz>netboot.xyz</a>
  36. </p>
  37. {% if generate_disks_hybrid == true %}
  38. <p>x86_64 Legacy and EFI Combined iPXE Bootloaders</p>
  39. <table style="width:100%">
  40. <!-- table header -->
  41. <tr>
  42. <th style="width:10%;"> Type </th>
  43. <th style="width:20%;"> Bootloader </th>
  44. <th style="width:70%;"> Description </th>
  45. </tr>
  46. <!-- table rows -->
  47. {% for item in bootloaders.hybrid %}
  48. <tr>
  49. <td> {{ item.type }} </td>
  50. <td> <a href="ipxe/{{ bootloader_filename }}{{ item.output_bin }}">{{ bootloader_filename }}{{ item.output_bin }}</a> </td>
  51. <td> {{ item.desc }} </td>
  52. </tr>
  53. {% endfor %}
  54. </table>
  55. <p>Multi-arch (x86_64 and arm64) Legacy and EFI Combined iPXE Bootloaders</p>
  56. <table style="width:100%">
  57. <!-- table header -->
  58. <tr>
  59. <th style="width:10%;"> Type </th>
  60. <th style="width:20%;"> Bootloader </th>
  61. <th style="width:70%;"> Description </th>
  62. </tr>
  63. <!-- table rows -->
  64. {% for item in bootloaders.multiarch %}
  65. <tr>
  66. <td> {{ item.type }} </td>
  67. <td> <a href="ipxe/{{ bootloader_filename }}{{ item.output_bin }}">{{ bootloader_filename }}{{ item.output_bin }}</a> </td>
  68. <td> {{ item.desc }} </td>
  69. </tr>
  70. {% endfor %}
  71. </table>
  72. {% endif %}
  73. {% if generate_disks_legacy == true %}
  74. <p>x86_64 Legacy (PCBIOS) iPXE Bootloaders</p>
  75. <table style="width:100%">
  76. <!-- table header -->
  77. <tr>
  78. <th style="width:10%;"> Type </th>
  79. <th style="width:20%;"> Bootloader </th>
  80. <th style="width:70%;"> Description </th>
  81. </tr>
  82. <!-- table rows -->
  83. {% for item in bootloaders.legacy %}
  84. <tr>
  85. <td> {{ item.type }} </td>
  86. <td> <a href="ipxe/{{ bootloader_filename }}{{ item.output_bin }}">{{ bootloader_filename }}{{ item.output_bin }}</a> </td>
  87. <td> {{ item.desc }} </td>
  88. </tr>
  89. {% endfor %}
  90. </table>
  91. {% endif %}
  92. {% if generate_disks_efi == true %}
  93. <p>x86_64 UEFI iPXE Bootloaders</p>
  94. <table style="width:100%">
  95. <!-- table header -->
  96. <tr>
  97. <th style="width:10%;"> Type </th>
  98. <th style="width:20%;"> Bootloader </th>
  99. <th style="width:70%;"> Description </th>
  100. </tr>
  101. <!-- table rows -->
  102. {% for item in bootloaders.uefi %}
  103. <tr>
  104. <td> {{ item.type }} </td>
  105. <td> <a href="ipxe/{{ bootloader_filename }}{{ item.output_bin }}">{{ bootloader_filename }}{{ item.output_bin }}</a> </td>
  106. <td> {{ item.desc }} </td>
  107. </tr>
  108. {% endfor %}
  109. </table>
  110. {% endif %}
  111. {% if generate_disks_arm == true %}
  112. <p>ARM64 UEFI iPXE Bootloaders</p>
  113. <table style="width:100%">
  114. <!-- table header -->
  115. <tr>
  116. <th style="width:10%;"> Type </th>
  117. <th style="width:20%;"> Bootloader </th>
  118. <th style="width:70%;"> Description </th>
  119. </tr>
  120. <!-- table rows -->
  121. {% for item in bootloaders.arm %}
  122. <tr>
  123. <td> {{ item.type }} </td>
  124. <td> <a href="ipxe/{{ bootloader_filename }}{{ item.output_bin }}">{{ bootloader_filename }}{{ item.output_bin }}</a> </td>
  125. <td> {{ item.desc }} </td>
  126. </tr>
  127. {% endfor %}
  128. </table>
  129. {% endif %}
  130. {% if generate_disks_rpi == true %}
  131. <p>Raspberry Pi iPXE Bootloaders</p>
  132. <table style="width:100%">
  133. <!-- table header -->
  134. <tr>
  135. <th style="width:10%;"> Type </th>
  136. <th style="width:20%;"> Bootloader </th>
  137. <th style="width:70%;"> Description </th>
  138. </tr>
  139. <!-- table rows -->
  140. {% for item in bootloaders.rpi %}
  141. <tr>
  142. <td> {{ item.type }} </td>
  143. <td> <a href="ipxe/{{ bootloader_filename }}{{ item.output_bin }}">{{ bootloader_filename }}{{ item.output_bin }}</a> </td>
  144. <td> {{ item.desc }} </td>
  145. </tr>
  146. {% endfor %}
  147. </table>
  148. {% endif %}
  149. <p>Checksums<p>
  150. <a href="ipxe/{{ site_name }}-sha256-checksums.txt">SHA256 checksums</a>
  151. </div>
  152. </body>
  153. </html>