utils-arm.ipxe.j2 865 B

  1. #!ipxe
  2. menu Utilities
  3. item --gap Utilities:
  4. {% for key, value in utilitiesarm.items() | sort(attribute='1.name') %}
  5. {% if value.enabled %}
  6. item {{ key }} ${space} {{ value.name }}
  7. {% endif %}
  8. {% endfor %}
  9. item --gap netboot.xyz tools:
  10. item nbxyz ${space} netboot.xyz endpoints
  11. choose --default ${menu} menu || goto utils_exit
  12. echo ${cls}
  13. goto ${menu} ||
  14. chain ${menu}.ipxe || goto utils_exit
  15. goto utils_exit
  16. {% for key, value in utilitiesarm.items() | sort %}
  17. {% if value.enabled | bool and value.type == "direct" %}
  18. :{{ key }}
  19. imgfree
  20. kernel {{ value.kernel }}
  21. initrd {{ value.initrd }}
  22. boot
  23. goto utils_exit
  24. {% endif %}
  25. {% endfor %}
  26. {% for key, value in utilitiesefi.items() | sort %}
  27. {% if value.enabled | bool and value.type == "sanboot" %}
  28. :{{ key }}
  29. imgfree
  30. sanboot {{ value.kernel }}
  31. goto utils_exit
  32. {% endif %}
  33. {% endfor %}
  34. :utils_exit
  35. clear menu
  36. exit 0