about.ipxe.j2 2.1 KB

  1. #!ipxe
  2. set esc:hex 1b
  3. set bold ${esc:string}[1m
  4. set ital ${esc:string}[3m
  5. set under ${esc:string}[4m
  6. set boldoff ${esc:string}[22m
  7. set italoff ${esc:string}[23m
  8. set underoff ${esc:string}[24m
  9. set fs_bla ${esc:string}[30m
  10. set fg_red ${esc:string}[31m
  11. set fg_gre ${esc:string}[32m
  12. set fg_yel ${esc:string}[33m
  13. set fg_blu ${esc:string}[34m
  14. set fg_mag ${esc:string}[35m
  15. set fg_cya ${esc:string}[36m
  16. set fg_whi ${esc:string}[37m
  17. :netabout
  18. menu ${fg_cya}${bold}About netboot.xyz (Version: ${version})
  19. item exit ${bold}Exit back to main menu...${boldoff}
  20. item --gap -- ${fg_whi}${bold}--Thanks------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. item about ${fg_gre}${bold}Thanks for your support and let us know how we can improve!
  22. item --gap -- ${fg_whi}${bold}--Twitter-----------------------------------------------------------------
  23. item about ${fg_cya}${bold}Follow us on Twitter: ${fg_whi}${bold}@netbootxyz
  24. item --gap -- ${fg_whi}${bold}--Discord-----------------------------------------------------------------
  25. item about ${fg_mag}${bold}Join us on Discord: ${fg_whi}${bold}https://discord.gg/An6PA2a
  26. item --gap -- ${fg_whi}${bold}--Sponsorship-------------------------------------------------------------
  27. item about ${fg_gre}${bold}Open Collective: ${fg_whi}${bold}https://opencollective.com/netbootxyz
  28. item about ${fg_gre}${bold}Github Sponsors: ${fg_whi}${bold}https://github.com/sponsors/netbootxyz
  29. item --gap -- ${fg_whi}${bold}--Merch-------------------------------------------------------------------
  30. item about ${fg_gre}${bold}netboot.xyz store: ${fg_whi}${bold}https://store.netboot.xyz
  31. item --gap -- ${fg_whi}${bold}-----------------------------------------------------------------
  32. isset ${upstream_version} && goto display_version || goto skip_version
  33. :display_version
  34. iseq ${version} ${upstream_version} || item --gap -- ${fg_gre}${bold}Latest netboot.xyz version available: ${fg_whi}${bold}${upstream_version}
  35. item --gap -- ${fg_whi}${bold}-----------------------------------------------------------------
  36. :skip_version
  37. choose selected || goto exit
  38. goto ${selected}
  39. :about
  40. clear menu
  41. goto netabout
  42. :exit
  43. clear menu
  44. exit