#!ipxe ### ### {{ site_name }} custom menu example ### :custom clear custom_choice menu This is a Test Menu item --gap This is the first sub menu item option_one ${space} Loading a kernel and initrd item option_two ${space} Loading an ISO item --gap This is a second sub menu item option_three ${space} Loads another custom sub menu item option_four ${space} This is option four choose custom_choice || goto custom_exit echo ${cls} goto ${custom_choice} goto custom_exit :option_one kernel http://path.to/vmlinuz initrd http://path.to/initrd imgargs vmlinuz put_kernel_img_args_here boot || goto custom_exit :option_two kernel {{ memdisk_location }} raw iso initrd http://path.to/iso boot || goto custom_exit :option_three echo Chains into another menu... chain custom1.ipxe || goto custom :custom_exit exit