#!ipxe goto ${menu} || :live_menu set os_arch ${arch} iseq ${os_arch} x86_64 && set os_arch amd64 || iseq ${os_arch} i386 && set os_arch i686 || set os Clonezilla menu ${os} item --gap ${os} Versions item debian ${space} ${os} Debian Based iseq ${os_arch} amd64 && item ubuntu ${space} ${os} Ubuntu Based || choose live_version || goto live_exit menu ${os} ${live_version} - ${os_arch} item --gap ${os} Flavors goto ${live_version} :debian {% for key, value in endpoints.items() %} {% if value.os == "clonezilla" and "debian" in key %} iseq ${os_arch} {{ value.arch }} && item {{ value.path }} ${space} {{ value.os | title }} {{ value.version | title }} {{ value.flavor | title }} || {% endif %} {% endfor %} choose path || goto live_menu goto clonezilla-boot :ubuntu {% for key, value in endpoints.items() %} {% if value.os == "clonezilla" and "ubuntu" in key %} iseq ${os_arch} {{ value.arch }} && item {{ value.path }} ${space} {{ value.os | title }} {{ value.version | title }} {{ value.flavor | title }} || {% endif %} {% endfor %} choose path || goto live_menu goto clonezilla-boot :clonezilla-boot imgfree set url ${live_endpoint}${path} kernel ${url}vmlinuz boot=live username=user union=overlay config components noswap edd=on nomodeset ocs_live_run="ocs-live-general" ocs_live_batch=no net.ifnames=0 nosplash noprompt fetch=${url}filesystem.squashfs {{ kernel_params }} initrd ${url}initrd boot :live_exit clear menu exit 0