--- - name: Register a listing of all created iPXE bootloaders ansible.builtin.command: ls -I {{ checksums_filename }} {{ netbootxyz_root }}/ipxe/ register: netboot_disks - name: Generate date ansible.builtin.command: date register: current_date - name: Gather stat listing of directory ansible.builtin.command: sha256sum -b {{ item }} with_items: - "{{ netboot_disks.stdout_lines }}" args: chdir: "{{ netbootxyz_root }}/ipxe/" register: netboot_disks_stat - name: Generate ipxe disk checksums ansible.builtin.template: src: checksums.txt.j2 dest: "{{ netbootxyz_root }}/ipxe/{{ checksums_filename }}" - name: Generate site name banner for index ansible.builtin.shell: toilet -f standard {{ site_name }} --html | grep span register: index_title when: ansible_os_family == "Debian" - name: Reset bootloader filename to first in list ansible.builtin.set_fact: bootloader_filename: "{{ bootloader_disks | first }}" - name: Generate netboot.xyz index template ansible.builtin.template: src: index.html.j2 dest: "{{ netbootxyz_root }}/index.html"