--- id: linode title: Linode description: Using netboot.xyz on Linode hide_table_of_contents: true --- netboot.xyz can be loaded on a [Linode](https://linode.com) instance so that you can then customize the Linode as needed. For this method, we'll use the smallest Linode size running Debian. ### Create a Linode For this method, it's recommended to use an apt-based distro like Debian or Ubuntu. Start a Linode with one of those operating systems. Once it is up and running, connect to it via SSH or connect to it with the console button. ### Install GRUB Imageboot and Download ISO We will need to ensure that the GRUB menu pauses long enough for us to select the netboot.xyz option. For that we'll need to remove a timeout file and increase the timeout for GRUB. Adjust the time period as needed for your situation: ```shell # Increase grub timeout if desired sed -i 's/GRUB_TIMEOUT=5/GRUB_TIMEOUT=60/g' /etc/default/grub # Install grub-imageboot apt update apt install -y grub-imageboot # Download netboot.xyz ISO mkdir /boot/images cd /boot/images wget https://boot.netboot.xyz/ipxe/netboot.xyz.iso # Update GRUB menu to include this ISO update-grub2 # reboot once you are ready, it may be good to load up the recovery console first reboot ``` ### Launch LISH Console Under the Linode settings click ..., and select Launch LISH Console. For interraction with the GRUB Menu and netboot.xyz menus, you will need to click the Weblish tab. For interacting with an installer or other tool, you may need to use the Glish tab (Graphical). At this point if you are within the timeout window, you should now see the Grub menu with the following option now available which you can select to load the netwboot.xyz menu: ```bash Bootable ISO image: netboot.xyz ``` ### Networking Linode uses DHCP so netboot.xyz should be able to get an IP address and load up the menu. If DHCP does not work, you may need to use the alternative failsafe menu to set up the networking for the instance manually by pressing **m** when prompted for the failsafe menu. If you do a installation, you should be able to reinstall over the existing drive at that point and customize the Linode as you see fit. Keep the networking information handy as you will need to populate that when doing an install. :::info If you run into out of memory issues running an installer, you may need a larger Linode. :::