--- id: equinixmetal title: Equinix Metal description: Using netboot.xyz with Equinix Metal bare metal servers hide_table_of_contents: true --- [Equinix Metal](https://metal.equinix.com) fully supports netboot.xyz with its Custom iPXE operating system. ### Usage Select the "Custom iPXE" operating system from the portal, or the `custom_ipxe` slug when using the API. ### Provisioning Put the netboot.xyz URL in the text field that appears in the portal, or use the `ipxe_script_url` parameter when creating the device via the API. https://boot.netboot.xyz Press "Deploy" to provision your device. It will take 2-3 minutes for the device to become active. Once it's online, connect to Equinix Metal's out-of-band serial-over-SSH service (S.O.S.) using the device's `id` and the facility where the device was deployed, e.g. `ewr1`. ssh {server-uuid}@sos.{facility-code}.platformequinix.com The current list of facilities is [here](https://metal.equinix.com/product/locations). The netboot.xyz iPXE menu will appear and you can complete installation from there. > **Please Note:** By default, devices are set to boot from the local disk. During > provisioning, Equinix Metal sets the next boot to PXE. This happens once, which means that > if you don't install an operating system before rebooting, it won't reload the > netboot.xyz menu. However, you can set your device to always boot to iPXE > first by enabling that option under 'server actions' through the customer portal. ### Networking Devices that are provisioned via Custom iPXE will be able to DHCP for the life of the device; however, Equinix Metal recommends configuring networking statically. IP address information can be found by querying https://metadata.platformequinix.com/metadata from the host. More information on how Equinix Metal configures bonding can be found [here](https://metal.equinix.com/developers/docs/networking/layer2/). Nameservers should be configured as: nameserver nameserver